
About Last Summer

by Patricia B. Tighe

about last summer

4.5 ★ – Pretty Darn Cute 
Published by Swoon Romance May 30, 2017
Genre(s): YA, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: Kindle Edition 342
Pretend to be from Spain? Act like she can barely speak English? Sure, why not? It wouldn’t be the first time Gabby Vega had agreed to a challenge from her best friend, Kenzie. Besides, it’s only for a week of vacation with Kenzie’s cousins. Gabby will prove to Kenzie she can keep up the fake identity for the whole trip—that she’s not a quitter.
There’s just one major surprise. Noah Jernigan is also staying with Kenzie’s cousins. Noah, the boy she fell in love with at drama camp last summer and the boy she had to dump when it was over. The boy who knows who she really is.
Noah can’t believe it when Gabby appears at the Bryson’s vacation home in the New Mexico mountains. He hasn’t seen her in a year. It practically took that long just to get over her. And now she’s Gabriela from Spain? All he wants is to get as far away as he can. Or maybe the exact opposite. Stick as close to her as possible and find out what the heck happened last summer. And definitely get some payback.
Now Gabby has to keep Noah at arm’s length as she pretends to be Gabriela. She doesn’t want to answer his questions or rehash last summer. Because one thing is clear—the more time she spends with Noah, the more she’s in danger of falling for him all over again. 

IMG_4380I received an E-ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Before I go into my review, let me just say that I have a weakness for cutesy, fun, and fluffy YA contemporary romance. There is just something about them that always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and leaves me with this wonderful dreamy high… and this book most certainly does not disappoint.

This is the first book I’ve read by Patricia Tighe and I can honestly say it won’t be my last. About Last Summer is such an adorable romance story. I was hooked from the beginning that I stayed up late one night because I couldn’t stop. If it weren’t for Mother’s Day weekend, I would have locked myself away and devoured this book. Yup, it’s that good!!! I’m 30 years and I freaking love this book… and nope I am not ashamed. There are so many swoon worthy moments in this book that I practically had a permanent smile on my face. I was seriously grinning like a total dork while reading. There are so many parts of the story where I laughed just a little too loudly and earned some questioning looks from my BF. I even got teary eyed on a few scenes because I was aching for the characters. This book definitely had all the feels…

But what I love most is you get a lot more than what you expect. It’s not just about the romance…It’s also a story about self-discovery and having the courage to face your insecurities. A story about first crushes, heart breaks and learning how to move forward. A story about honesty, forgiveness and taking chances. A story about the importance of family, friendship and spending time with those you love. Patricia does an amazing job weaving all that, a little quirkiness, a lot of humor and so much more into this story. I already miss the whole gang.

About Last Summer is such a beautifully well written story. A sweet romance with a lot of heart and humor. If you’re a fan of lighthearted YA contemporary romance, then you’ll definitely enjoy this story.

Sincerely Karen Jo

2 thoughts on “Review

  1. […] About Last Summer by Patricia Tighe was the first book I ever reviewed here on my blog last year on May 26, so this moment is quite special. To be reviewing a book by the first author who took a chance on me is pretty amazing. I’m always so grateful for all the times I get approved and receive free review copies. It’s crazy how it’s been almost a year since I first started this blog, but I’ll go into that on my blogiversary. Today, I want to rave about Kenzie and Dylan’s story and hopefully by the end of this review, you’ll fall in love with them too. […]

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