Friday Faves

Happy Friday Loves! I’m so excited it’s finally Friday and it’s pay day and I get to go home early today. WOOHOO! It’s been a very long, busy and tiring week. I completely knocked out before 10pm yesterday night… That’s how burnt out I’ve been these past few months. Adulting isn’t always that fun…
Anyway, I want to start something new on Fridays where I feature one of favorite book(s)/series. If you’ve been following me, then you know that I’ve just recently started blogging/reviewing books (this baby went live May 24, 2017). However, I’ve been rating/reviewing on Goodreads for a while. I’ve read so many amazing books before May 2017, so I thought this would be a great way to rave about them.
Sooo, without further ado, here is my FIRST EVER FRIDAY FAVES feature…

Shades of Doon

(Doon #3)

Lorie Langdon and Carey Corp


5 ★ – Breathtaking, Magical, Romantic, and Full of Adventure
Published September 1, 2015 by Blink
Genre(s): Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance, Adventure
Pages: Hardcover 346
Buy: Amazon, Barnes and Noble
Started: Feb 12, 2017
Finished: Feb 15, 2017

Shades of Doon is the 3rd book in the Doon Series and might just be my favorite out of the 4 books (although they’re all really good and all 5 stars reads for me). Lorie Langdon and Carey Corp created such a beautiful and amazing story that captivated me from the very beginning and absolutely made me fall in love with Scotland. I seriously can’t recommend this book/serious enough.


Spoilers Ahead! Not much, but a little… so read at your own risk.

Posted a similar review on Goodreads. This is somewhat revised but pretty much the same.

I love love love this series so much. I keep on dreaming and wishing it would never end because I want to live in Doon forever, but I also want my beloved characters get their well deserved happy endings.

Just like Doon and Destined for Doon, the world building is AH-MA-ZING and so well written that I feel like I’m one of the Doonians. From the breathtaking scenery, the gorgeous gowns, the castles, and the food (oh my goodness those descriptions always made me hungry) — Doon is without a doubt one of my favorite fictional places to visit.

I love the character and relationship development in this series. There’s a sense of growth, maturity and understanding. From Doon to Shades of Doon.. through the ups and downs, each of the characters have grown into their own and have become stronger.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before but one of the things I love about this series is Veronica and Mackenna’s friendship. Seriously can you say friendship goals. Even with their own handsome princes and personal problems Vee and Kenna never forget to emphasize how important they are to each other. They may bicker, disagree, and fight, but at the end of the day, Vee and Kenna have each other’s back and would do anything to protect each other.

All the other characters also have an amazing bond and friendship. Jamie and Duncan would do anything to protect each other. They may not show their brotherly affection all the time but it’s there. Fergus and Fiona are so adorable in their own ways. Analisa is strong and opinionated, but very devoted to Doon and her friends. Seriously the whole gang is pretty much #squadgoals! (Maybe they have room for one more… Ahhh if only)

The plot is fast paced and kept me turning the pages way past my bedtime. I enjoyed the few chapters in the modern world. It was fun, and seeing Jamie’s first time in the modern world was such a nice  little treat. Seriously can he get anymore adorable and hot?!?  I just want to squish him. I also love that there was more romance, but it totally didn’t take over the story. Princes coming to the rescue, declarations of love and swoon worthy make-out sessions just added to the awesomeness. Oh and those last few chapters — totally heart-stopping and made me so anxious I could barely breathe. I wanted to throw the book and rip out the pages because my heart was breaking.

Shades of Doon is full of adventure, magic, humor, romance and suspense. A story about friendship, love, loss, faith and courage. Such an awesome and fun read that I really cannot say anything bad about this book or this series! I can’t wait to reread and go back to Doon.

Sincerely Karen Jo