July 2018 Wrap-Up

monthlywrapupnewHello wonderful bookish friends! How did you do with your reading goals in July? Hope you all had some really great reads.

As for me, well, I had a few slow days here and there and didn’t get to all the books I planned on reading. I also didn’t make that much progress on my Netgalley TBR like I wanted… but that’s because I joined blog tours and requested for more books. Then, there was this “reading bad luck” phase where I unfortunately read 3 books back to back that wasn’t my cup of tea. That has never happened before and it just really bummed me out. BUTTT, there are some good news folks! I managed to maintain my Netgalley feedback ratio at 56% so yay me! Also, I’m currently 2 books ahead my Goodreads challenge and ended the month reading a really AMAZING and HEARTWARMING book that I’m declaring right now as one of my favorite 2018 reads.

Here are some stats for you

  • Read 12 books total
  • Read 1 novella (a prequel)
  • DNF’ed 1 book
  • Read 3 not my cup of tea books
  • Read 1 book that’s definitely going on my top ten 2018 favorite reads

So, let’s take a look at all the books I read in JULY!

Remember to click the book titles to read my reviews and view the posts. 

My Lullaby of You by Alia Rose 


A Delightfully Sweet and Heartwarming Story

My Lullaby of You_Cover Final (1)

This was a fun, light, and lovely read. My Lullaby of You gently tugged at my heartstrings and I thought it was a wonderfully written story of about self-discovery, forgiveness, grief, love and second chances. If you’re in the mood for something sweet with plenty of sunshine, sand, and swoony love songs, then I suggest you pick this book up.

The Boyfriend Brackett by Kate Evangelista


A lighthearted, delightfully sweet and charmingly cute story


Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was easy to read, lighthearted and beautifully affecting. The unique and fun storyline, adorable characters, endearing relationships, and the heart-melting moments had me wanting more. And the ending… so pleasantly satisfying and left my heart full and bursting with so much happy. If you’re looking for a sweet and entertaining YA contemporary romance, then I recommend you check this out or add it on your TBR.

Kings of Rittenhouse by Maya Hughes

A Shameless King Prequel 


Intriguing Introduction That Sucked Me In


I read this before starting book 1 and I think it’s a really great introduction. The writing was fast-paced, the characters were very intriguing, and the set-up for the series seems very promising.


Shameless King (Kings of Rittenhouse #1)

by Maya Hughes 


A must read guilty pleasure romance with plenty of humor, heart, and swoons


Cue the giggles, laughs, spinetingling shivers, and waterworks! This book had it all and was such a deliciously swoony and charmingly entertaining read. I LOOOVEEEE enemies to lovers stories and this one definitely hit the spot. It was fun, steamy, angsty, and adorably romantic. I absolutely loved the tension, drama, all the lighthearted sweet moments and even the parts that had me desperately holding back tears. It didn’t work though and I shamelessly teared up/cried a few times.

The The Supervillain and Me  by Danielle Banas

(Morriston Superheroes #1)


Addictively Witty and Marvelously Entertaining Superhero Adventure


This book is one of my favorite reads this summer. Danielle Banas delivered an amazingly entertaining superhero story with plenty of humor, fantastic action scenes, exciting mysteries, adorably cute romance, and sweet moments that touch the heart. I loved the characters, the storyline, the swoony kisses, and the life lessons weaved throughout the book. I absolutely cannot wait to read more from this series and see what happens next.


Kiss Me in New York by Catherine Rider


3.75 – Short, Sweet, and Adorably Entertaining


Kiss Me in New York was a quick short read, but it was also incredibly sweet, funny, and uplifting. It was lighthearted, fun, and entertaining. I loved the different adventures, mishaps, and heartwarming moments. The characters were likable and the romance was adorable. Kiss Me in New York was a quick short read, but it was also incredibly sweet, funny, and uplifting.


Rebel Heir (Rush Duet #1)

by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland


4.75 – The perfect summer read with all the imaginable FEELS


This book had me hooked. Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s writing style was witty, heartfelt, and addictive. I loved the angst, drama, humor, the unexpected twist that tore me to pieces, and of course the swimmingly adorable and steamy romance. My emotions were completely all over the place, going from extreme highs to the most painful lows, but every dialogue meant something and every moment hit all the right FEELS. LOVE LOVE LOVE this book so much!


Rebel Heart (Rush Duet #2)

by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland


Smokin’, Swoony, Sweet and a Satisfyingly Wonderful Ending 


Rebel Heart was such a satisfyingly wonderful ending that had me holding my breath the entire time. I must have died a million times because the FEELS in this one got to me SOO BADDDD. With new twists and turns, drama and angst, and swoons and surprises, this book had me reeling in every way and clutching my heart. I experienced so many emotions throughout this story, heck the entire series, and felt so much for the characters. It was definitely an intense rollercoaster ride and when it was all over, I was sad, but also blissfully happy.


Magic of Winter by Martina Boone

(Celtic Legends #4)



I don’t have my full review up for this yet since I’m still choosing which quotes to include. I’ll have it live this Friday, but here’s a mini review —  I absolutely enjoyed the plot which was well-paced, engaging, and filled with heartbreaking and sweet tender moments. The romance was wonderfully slow burn and the swoons were plenty. I loved that even though this book wasn’t focused on the romance, there were still many scenes that melted my heart.


Rumor Has It by Jessica Lemmon


2.75 – 3 Adorable and Fun Read


Overall, this didn’t quite hit the spot for me, but it was an easy, light and somewhat enjoyable enemies to lovers story. The romance was sweet and had a few adorable moments that I loved. I thought the book wrapped up nicely and once I finished, I was quite satisfied with the ending.


Just Friends by Dyan Sheldon


 Light and Easy to Read, but Disappointingly Lackluster


This book was sadly not for me. I actually speed read through about 75% of the book and I rarely do that. There were so just many things I didn’t like and maybe that distracted me. I really hate writing bad reviews, but just because I didn’t like this book, doesn’t mean it was horrible. There were a few fun moments and I liked some of the friendships. Oh and the cover’s really cute…


Thirsty by Mia Hopkins


Too Dull and Dry for My Taste


Thirsty could have been really amazing, but it just wasn’t executed that well for me. The writing was okay-ish and easy to read, but didn’t pull any emotion out of me. I honestly couldn’t connect with the story or the characters… I really wanted to though.


The Impossibility of Us by Katy Upperman


A Remarkably Timeless, Touching and Achingly Beautiful Tale

About Family, Friendship, Love, Acceptance and Hope


Katy Upperman’s debut novel, Kissing Max Holden, was one of my Top Ten Favorite Reads in 2017. It was deeply moving, deliciously swoony and so full of heart. I couldn’t wait to read The Impossibility of Us, and now that I have, I can honestly say that I’m a forever fan of Upperman’s gorgeous writing — breathtakingly emotional, amazingly realistic, and wonderfully affecting. To say that I loved this book is an understatement. The Impossibility of Us undeniably captured my heart, completely consumed my thoughts, and had me wiping away my tears... many many tears.

Hope you had fun reading my monthly wrap and found something to add to your TBR.

Have you read any of these books? Any book recommendations for me?

Let me know in the comments down below and I hope you all have a fantastic August reading month. Take care!


7 thoughts on “July 2018 Wrap-Up

    • Thanks hun! I guess since I don’t spend so much time blogging and bookstagramming, I was able to read a lot more. I find it more relaxing to read than be on my computer writing up posts after a long busy work day. I’m on the computer the whole day and I don’t really want to be when I get home. LOL. So how do I blog now, welll… pretty much while it’s slow at work. Usually, I would read when that happens. I mean I still do from time to time when I’m really into a book, but now I work on my blog posts so that when I get home, I just relax and read. AND when I don’t finish a certain blog posts, I don’t stress about it anymore. I just move it down my calendar and try to finish it by then. Other times, I spend on visiting other blogs and commenting… like now. Lol. It’s about 8:00am and it’s still slow at work and the bosses aren’t in yet. I’m caught up with my workload so I’m just responding to comments =)

      The Rush Duet was a really swoony and fun read for me. I hope you enjoy it too. I can’t wait to see what you think!



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